The Importance of Good Nutrition in Aging Adults
Nutrition and Geriatric Health: The Importance of Good Nutrition in Aging Adults
Food choices change throughout a lifetime, as do our nutritional needs. A once-busy working adult requires fewer calories with advancing age. Medications or diagnoses can limit food choices or affect one’s appetite. The following tips offer ideas that contribute to tasty, healthy eating that can be enjoyable to purchase and prepare.
- Fresh, frozen, or canned fruits and vegetables—overall they offer the same nutritional value. Frozen and canned may be higher as these are prepared fresh from picking, retaining value.
- Portion size does matter! By taking small bites and eating slowly you will feel full at the end of your meal.
- Be sure to look for low or no sodium options with all food purchases. Prepared meat and fish products can have high sodium content, as can soups, including those labeled as low!
- Herbs and spices add aroma and flavor to foods, encouraging your appetite and satisfaction because of delightful taste!
- Whole grains add fiber, aiding digestion.
- Drink plenty of fluids as long as you are not on a restriction! Water is a good choice throughout the day. Please limit caffeine, soda, and alcohol.
Have your family and home care provider review the information from Dieticians of Canada with you—it offers good food for thought!